The Laws of Adrenaline

A project by:


In the Metaverse but with man at the center
Cryptoart and NFT are moving very quickly towards the spaces of phenomenal reality and here, at the Milan Triennale, they meet contemporary artists to dialogue around the central element of art, the man. In this case, the man also has a name and a surname, Zlatan Ibrahimović. The topos of the champion, which certainly emerges in the “Ibra NFT Collection” project, is however overtaken, or we might say, dribbled out by the man and his personal path which, through the work of the artists in the exhibition, become universal and universally usable elements. Rather than the trophies raised to the skies, we look at the sacrifice, the difficulties overcome, and the commitment from which derives the indispensable temperament to be able to raise them. So the story of a child becomes the destiny of a man and then, and with some accommodation that everyone recognises , art comes along and takes that story in its arms to make it immortal. 

The artists you are about to meet, like Ibra, had their work cut out for them before lifting their deserved trophies, and it was enough to look into each other’s eyes once to understand this and recognise each other with simplicity. Resilience, like an underground river, flows beneath the project, uniting the works and the participants in the exhibition in a true team behind the champion who drags it along. My advice is to look through the eyes of a child and realise that the “Ibra NFT Collection” speaks to everyone intensely with simple words, a simplicity that is the opposite of banality. The works, which you will find on display in the museum hall (for a short time) and in the NFT space (forever), represent a fusion from which it will no longer be possible to escape or even go back. The world of NFT, Blockchain and Web 3.0 becomes indispensable for the contemporary artist and opens up new possibilities for dialogue in very recent and only apparently inaccessible contexts.


Disintermediated and decentralized spaces, virtual landscapes and identities which, precisely because of their nature, require the best presence and maximum commitment from the art world. It is art that becomes ultra-contemporary, and it can only comfort us to realise, precisely at the time when we are entering the Metaverse, that at the centre of the field is not a pixelated animal but still, alone and unequalled, the good old human being.

Zlatan ibrahimovic Alessandro Brunello presentazione libro crowdfunding Ibra
Alessandro Brunello Zlatan Ibrahimovic Urbano Cairo Ivan Tresoldi Triennale


The artists:

Giovanni Motta

He developed an interest towards figurative and contemporary art, focusing particularly on the world of Japanese "anime" and "manga", which were to become essential for the research of the leitmotif of his work: the inner child. This child is represented by a cartoon-like character design called JonnyBoy, who appears in all his work, in paintings, sculptures and digital works. Hyperrealist painter and lover of technology, he has been using digital animation programmes such as cinema4D and Maya since 2000 and 3D printing since 2010 to create limited editions artworks. He creates sculptures and paintings, with 3D printing, clay-modeling and layered resin.

Giuseppe Veneziano

Venice. Giuseppe Veneziano is today one of the main Italian artists of the New Pop movement. Through his pictorial language, both original and recognizable, the artist deals with big issues such as politics, sex and religion, offering an objective and disenchanted image of today’s society. His canvases are populated by historical personalities and celebrities of the present, movie icons and characters from comics and cartoons. Veneziano tends to remove the boundaries between fiction and reality and he enjoys mixing and mingling elements of today's media society and of the mass collective imagination in a melting pot capable of generating alienating and amusing combinations
Hexeract -- wrong theory prima mostra museale dart2121 cryptpoart nft


Hexeract's artwork has been featured in various movies, games, magazines, commercials, keynotes, and international gallery exhibitions. He took part to the group exhibition "Crypto Art is Now" (2021/22) at the Museo Della Permanente of Milano curated by Wrong Theory. He is currently one of the most pinned artists in the concept design category on Pinterest and is among the top 500 most successful crypto NFT artists in the world.

Federico Guida

His art is centered on the human figure, on ordinary people, far from the pursuit of aesthetic beauty. He boasts a solid technical preparation and a figurative language enriched by several personal connotations. He expresses himself through photography, oil colors, acrylics, plaster and fabric. The naked human bodies, depicted in twisted and intertwined poses, invite us to meditate on the drama of human existence, made milder by the natural softness of the flesh depicted accordingly to Caravaggio's lesson on light
Davide-Petraroli - wrong theory prima mostra museale dart2121 cryptpoart nft

Davide Petraroli

From 2011 Davide has been collaborating as a teacher in different important international fashion schools. From 2014 he is Head Fashion Designer at Lucio Costa, taking part to the illustration of the book “So Lucio!”. From January 2015 he has been teaching at the Istituto Marangoni Milano. His works were exhibited in “2121 Crypto Art is Now” (2021/22) curated by Wrong Theory at the Museo Della Permanente di Milano. Since 2021 he has been actively collaborating with Wrong Theory.

Ivan Tresoldi

Ivan tresoldi, Poet and artist, Ivan was born in 1981 in Milan. From 2003 he started attacking the streets with poetry blows, painting and posting his poems and compositions along the streets of Milan. Today he is considered the main reference for street poetry in Italy. In 2006 he was invited to pronounce his own Poetic Assault at the Casa della Poesia in Milan. In 2007 he was among the protagonists of “Street Art Sweet Art” at the PAC in Milan; the same year he was invited to the XII International Poetry Festival of Havana


Records. From the end of 2019 he has started painting acrylic on canvas searching for an new artistic expression and at the beginning of the current year he has digitized his first work together with an unreleased freestyle track. “Blowout” was his first NFT, published under the pseudonym “Eskalator”. All of his works are available on Foundation and Hic Et Nunc. His works were included in “2021 - Crypto Art is Now” (2021/22) a group exhibition curated by Wrong Theory at the Museo Della Permanente of Milan. Highsnob has taken part in the Sanremo Italian Song Festival in 2022 wearing one of his NFT works on the stage of the Ariston. Since 2021 he has been actively collaborating with Wrong Theory

Giovanni Frangi

Giovanni Frangi was born in 1959 in Milan, where he lives and works. He got his degree at the Brera Fine Arts Academy. In 1983 he began his artistic career with the group exhibition "Giovani pittori e scultori italiani" at the Rotonda della Besana in Milan.In 1986 he had an exhibition at Galleria Bergamini in Milan with a catalogue containing an essay by Achille Bonito Oliva. work. In 2021 Magonza published the volume "Giovanni Frangi – l'intervista raccolta da Luca Fiore" in which the author retraces the main events of artistic caree.

Gionny Scandal

His first three independent records climbed the ranking of the best-selling records in Italy. In 2016 Gionny signed a contract with Universal Music Italia and began to have great success, certified by gold and platinum records. To date, he has more than 300 million streams and 300 million views on his YouTube channel. The artist recently approached digital art creating Non Fungible Tokens, thus finding a new way to express his inner world. Since 2022 he has been actively collaborating with Wrong Theory for the development of his digital art.

Paolo Manazza

Paolo Manazza was born in Milan in 1959. He is an artist, writer and cultural entrepreneur . After a deep study of ancient painting and informal outcomes of the New York and European school of the 1950s, today he experiments with chromatic superimpositions in a neo-informal style combining the strength of gestures to the vibrations of color. Mimmo Di Marzio wrote about him in one of his essays: "The hand of the artist, in the case of Paolo Manazza, draws on the desire to play with the strength and brightness of the pigments to create a mystical, sentimental effect full of transcendency and mystery. He aims to give life to a completely different reality where the painting, as in Mark Rothko's lesson, becomes an open window on a transcendent world, capturing us in its unmistakable and intense "revelations of absolute emotions".


PAO was born in 1977 in Milan, where he still lives and works. He trained in the theater as a machinist, sound engineer and stage technician with the company of Franca Rame and Dario Fo. He studied and worked in the laboratories of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan. Since 2000 he has started to give free rein to his creativity and artistic vein by creating his first public interventions of Street Art. Through an enchanted and highly personal look he reinterprets the shapes of the urban space to populate it with inventions and fantastic creatures: thus the famous colorful penguins are born on concrete bollards, the cans of Pao Cola and Campbell's soup on public toilets, smileys and billiard balls, dolphins and sharks, pelicans, daisies and much more. He has become one of the leading actors of the Milanese and Italian street art scene when this was still confined to the underground.


Gli NFT di Zlatan Ibrahimovic: 11 opere digitali firmate da 11 artisti

Le leggi di Ibrahimovic diventano arte

Una storica collezione di opere d’arte digitali ispirata a Zlatan Ibrahimović

“Le Leggi dell’Adrenalina”:
Ibrahimovic si trasforma in un NFT

Gli NFT di Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Gli NFT di Zlatan Ibrahimovic

11 NFTs Inspired By Zlatan Ibrahimović’s Best Seller

Undici opere digitali, ispirate al libro “Adrenalina”

NON FUNGIBLE ZLATAN. Una storica collezione di opere d’arte digitali ispirata a Zlatan Ibrahimović

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