Frenetik Void

Frenetik Void

FRENETIK VOIDwrong-theory-dart2121 museo della permanente art nft cryptoart


Frenetik Void was born in 1994, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he works and resides. He has been connected to digital technology since his childhood due to his father’s relationship with software development. Videogames were also a primary inspiration in Frenetik’s universe. The idea of creating custom worlds inside other worlds took him to create his own virtual fantasies, using 3D in a very intuitive way. Surrounded by romantic post humans and strange creatures in inhospit environments, the work of FV suggests a unique idea of a distant future. He has participated in several exhibitions such as “The Wrong Digital Art Biennale” and “Iconic Biennale” where he received several awards.

His works are exhibited in different platforms such as Nifty Gateway, SuperRare, Known Origin and MakersPlace. Frenetik Void created “CryptoArg” the first Crypto Art community in Argentina and one of the biggest in the world. Nowadays he stands as a referent in the worldwide digital art community.

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