13 Nov Idil Dursun

Born in 1997, Idil Dursun (aka Jarvinart), is an architect and CGI artist, graduated from Bilkent University Department of Architecture in 2020. She worked as the Art Director of the university radio “Radio Bilkent” while in school. In 2020, she worked with Dr. Pinar Yoldas and contributed to the Venice Biennale Architettura 2021. In September 2020, she began her professional career as a CGI Artist in the architectural visualization company “ivaBOX”. Since then, she has also been working on personal projects, creating mostly cyberpunk/dystopian environment concepts and building her own universe as a vision of the future world.
In March 2021, she jumped into the NFT scene and since then has been an active member of the community. She is the curator of the ” Architecture World” in one of the most recognized NFT platforms Foundation. Her works are featured in Germany based science fiction magazine “Dark Matter Magazine” and displayed in United States based “The Crypt Gallery”. She also works as a freelance Environment Concept Artist for video games.
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