13 Nov Miss Al Simpson

Miss AL Simpson is an OG cryptoartist with a unique style, merging a graffiti style similar to Basquiat, Rauschenberg and Kippenberger with historical motifs and animation. Featured in the Washington Post, CNN & Bonhams x Super Rare “CryptOGs: The Pioneers of NFT Art”, Miss AL Simpson “has become one of the chief protagonists of this new movement, compressing history and styles to produce some of the most dramatic and compelling works to be tokenized to date.” Layering her work with power and fragility; tales of passion and desire are exposed. At times, these stories are gentle whispers, at other times, they are loud and brash graffiti.
Fragmented portraits hidden in urban landscapes reveal an honesty and broken reality; a mixed up version of the popular culture that submerges us all. Exploring the rips of popular culture and society’s vulnerability, Anna Louise produces images of dystopic fragility…’a keeper of fragile things’.
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